Sunday, January 31, 2010

Welcome to the show!

"The home, the house, the living-quarters of Commandant Frank Butler..." With these words Brian Friel begins his timeless Irish family drama, Living Quarters. As of this past Friday Strangeloop's production of Living Quarters is half-way through the rehearsal process. On January 29th the cast completed its first run-through (aptly called a "stumble-through") of the play. With only two weeks of rehearsal under their belts the actors have the play on its feet.

With just two weeks before we load into the Trap Door Theatre, the actors are working hard, taking risks, and spending the time and dedication needed to create a truly wonderful piece of theatre. We have included some of the pictures from the stumble-through so that you may get a glimpse of the work in progress.

Brought together under the tireless direction of Thomas Murray, Strangeloop Theatre's second full production is sure to be a hit. Thomas has extensively researched the production and the culture (go so far as to travel to Donnegal itself!) to create a truly rich theatrical experience.

Tickets for the production are already available online on Strangeloop Theatre's website. Be sure to buy your's today! This is one show you simply do not want to miss.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What a great party!!!

So the time finally came for Strangeloop's final fundraising event before Living Quarters opens. Strangeloop Theatre would like to thank all of our friends at The Long Room for hosting the Living Quarters Launch Party. If you look at the count down on the webpage you will see that there are about 23 days before we open!!! Just a reminder that Living Quarters runs February 18-March 14 at Trap Door Theatre. The cast, crew, and of course those on the Strangeloop artistic board are very excited that we have made it to this point. Just as a recap we have spent roughly nine months raising the funds and gathering the artists necessary to make our second full production a success. We at Strangeloop would like to thank all those who have contributed artistically and financially to make the work that we do a success!

In the picture to the right you can see some of our marvelous cast reading a scene from Act
1 of the play at the Launch Party. As a note on the artistic process, this Friday the cast will be doing its first "Stumble thru" (first run of the play in rehearsal), which will mark the half way point of the rehearsal process! This is Strangeloop's first show for which we held open call auditions, and we have been blessed with such an amazing cast!

Tickets for Strangeloop Theatre's production of Living Quarters are now on sale. Come and see this seldom-seen-in-Chicago play by Brian Friel. You can purchase your tickets at Brown Paper Tickets. We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A new year a new Loop!!!

So my friends, theatre goers of every stripe and walk of life, the Strangeloop Theatre blog is back in action! We've got a new year and a new blog all ready to go for you. So... I'd like to thank you for checking back here once again. Strangeloop Theatre is one month away from opening our second full production: Living Quarters by Brian Friel directed by Thomas Murray. Now I know what you are thinking, what on earth does he mean by "full production"? Well it means that we have been spending the past nine months planing and fundraising so that we can present a quality show for four weeks at the Trap Door Theatre! So why don't you come out to see the show!?!

But wait, you say, a month is an awfully long way away... So here's what we have done. This Saturday (1/24) from 3-5 we will be hosting a launch party at the Long Room (1612 West Irving Park Road) you will get to hobnob with Strangeloop Theatre artists, fellow fans, and much much more.

We hope that you will be checking back here regularly at In the Loop where we will be posting all of the most up to date info on Strangeloop Theatre!