Based on Tim Seeley's comic-book series of the same name, Strangeloop Theatre and Chemically Imbalanced Comedy's punchy, bloody horror show takes us on the road with a formidable vigilante duo...with some extraordinary puppetry portraying a psychopathic teddy bear, unusual characters like a disgraced Miss America turned CEO, and a few well-paced slapstick ass kickings from Cassie and Vlad.
Much like the comic, the show incorporated a lot of humor throughout. The elevator scene was hilarious. The fight scenes were fun, and I avoided the front two rows to miss becoming blood splattered...I’m no theater critic, but I know I enjoyed myself, and I think any HACK/SLASH fan would get a kick out of seeing the show. I also think that it would be a good introduction to HACK/SLASH to anyone that is unfamiliar with the book.
runs through Saturday, November 1, on Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m.
The performances
are held at C.I.C. Theater (1422 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60613).
Tickets are $15 and are available in advance through Brown Paper Tickets or at the door. Discount tickets are available on select nights (including tonight!) for industry professionals by entering the code 666 at checkout. Discount tickets are also available to the general public via Goldstar and Hot Tix.
More details are available at and at
More details are available at and at